Tuesday, February 20, 2018

descriptive (tion) Essay

As the name suggests, description has to do with describing, and by doing this, one has to make the best use of Adjectives i.e. words that describe a noun. There are two sorts of descriptive writing; the objective and the impressionistic (subjective). The writer of an objective prose tries to give an account of something. He sees what he is describing as something in its own right. He looks at it from the outside and therefore, his attitude or feeling towards it is not import. The writer is like a camera.
But impressionistic description concentrates on the feelings that the described object arouses in the observer. The writer is more interested in making the reader feel rather than see. To do this, they must be sure of what their own feelings are about the object, so that; they can try to arouse the same feelings in the reader. The impressionistic writer often writes as if they were inside the thing they are writing about.
The two types of description are dependent of each other. The objective writer has feeling which they may come across and the impressionistic writer must also have factual description if what they are describing must seem real to the reader.
Objective description often begins with a short general picture of the entire thing described; then, some details are given. It’s often written impersonally as if the writer was not interested. E.g. you may write about a large house by stating facts about its size, qualities and excellent materials without any emotions.
An impressionistic description may be communicated directly or indirectly. The direct way is easier where the author describes the feelings itself like telling the reader that his amused by something although this does not make the reader amused. The indirect way is not for the writer to describe his feelings but rather, describe the object in such a way that will arouse in a reader feeling similar to his own, like describing what has amused him in such a way that makes the reader smile or laugh. In such a way, he would have communicated his feeling (amusement in this case) to us.
Impressionistic descriptions are not concerned with factually accurate picture like the objective description that minds about objective accuracy. They are concerned with feelings, attitudes and points of view. The writer can exaggerate, omit or even add information if it helps them do what they want to do. His not trying to tell us what something is but instead, what it means to them or how they feels about it.

Task 3:

Write two essays to differentiate between objective and impressionistic descriptions.

Sunday, February 18, 2018

Exposition Prose

As the name suggests, exposition prose is a writing that explain or gives facts about a topic. It’s the commonest kind of prose found in text books, letters, legal documents, Newspapers or in anything where you look for information and explanation.
The straight forward exposition gives the facts without any addition of personal opinion. They are long carefully balanced or intricately constructed sentences but… rather simple and straight sentences.
The construction and vocabulary are simple and straight forward as possible. For example, in making of a meal, facts would be given about amount and the method of preparation.
Slanted prose is also factual and concise, but improved by the addition of colour such that it’s sometimes called, coloured writing. Its intension is to convey the writer’s attitude and pursue the reader to accept the writer’s opinion. The writer does this by specific choice of words especially verbs and nouns that draw the reader’s attention on minor details. The tone of the writer is sometimes meant to pursue the reader. It can be sarcastic or the whole piece can be satirising or mocking to pursue the reader.
The primary purpose of exposition is to explain. However, the explanation can either be straight forward or slanted, and when slanted, it should be persuasive. The words chosen should reflect the opinion of the writer.
Task 1

Write two passages to differentiate straight forward from slanted prose